Nina Herzog, the singing and speaking voice of Odette, The Swan Princess, in Sony Animation’s “The Swan Princess” series was our guest female vocalist this morning at our dance rehearsal. She wowed the crowd with her beautiful singing voice.

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Nina Herzog, the singing and speaking voice of Odette, The Swan Princess, in Sony Animation’s “The Swan Princess” series was our guest female vocalist this morning at our dance rehearsal. She wowed the crowd with her beautiful singing voice.
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Tuesday morning, November 21, 2023, parking at the Canoga Park Elks Lodge will be limited. The parking lot is being rented out for an event leaving 35 spaces available. If possible, please plan ahead and carpool to the rehearsal/dance on this day. The band will be there for the usual rehearsal/dance. We hope to see you there. Call a friend and rideshare on this day. Thank you.
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Come and join the fun with live music by the Big Band Alumni, dancing, costumes, and more. It happens at the Canoga Park Elks Lodge, #2190, 20925 Osborne Street in Canoga Park, CA 91304. Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Entry is $15 and receive a $5 voucher which you can use toward the purchase of food. Start your Halloween day right with some dancing fun. Our friend Jesse from the land of Aloha came last Tuesday morning in the spirit of Halloween wearing a black kitty-cat dress and purrfect matching socks. Fetch your costume from the closet and come on down Tuesday morning, October 31, 2023.
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Join us on Tuesday morning, Halloween Day, in Canoga Park at the Elks Lodge. It will be Halloween and the ghosts, goblins, superheroes, and fairies will be out. Wear your favorite costume and come out and dance.
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The Big Band Alumni music and dance rehearsal happened this morning in Canoga Park. It happens most every Tuesday. You can always check our calendar.
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This Tuesday, September 5, 2023 Jesse Walton has requested that fellow dancers wear the color pink. It’s her birthday that day. Let’s have fun.